Parent Policy

SUCCESS Academy is a Charter High School under the direction of the Iron County School District and partnered with the Washington County School District, SUU, and UTU. The following policy has been adapted from the Iron County School District’s Parent Involvement Policy.

Parent Involvement Policy

SUCCESS Academy regards parental involvement vital to the success of students. Parents are partners in helping their children achieve. They have the right to be involved in the design and operation of the Title I program. At the same time, they have the responsibility to help their children succeed in school. To accomplish this SUCCESS Academy will ensure that the required school-level parental involvement policies are followed.

In addition at least 3 percent of the Title I funds received by SUCCESS Academy is designed for parent programs. Parents are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and have input on how this money should be spent. The money is used to assist parents in improving student academic learning, provide parent training or to address other identified parental needs.

Parents are encouraged to give feedback regarding the Title I program as well as other school programs at their school. Surveys are conducted each year to help make district and school level decisions.

To help facilitate communication, selected parent representatives meet with school personnel a minimum of two times a year to provide an opportunity to have input on the education of their children. A variety of activities to educate parents about Title I services and other school programs are held throughout the school year. These activities may include:

  • Back to School Night
  • Parent College and Career Ready Conferences
  • Newsletters (electronic and mailed)
  • Parents Nights
  • School/District Websites

SUCCESS Academy provides assistance to ensure that information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to parents of participating students in an understandable and uniform format. Critical school documents will be provided to parents in their native language or interpreted by school personnel upon request.

In addition, SUCCESS Academy will provides assistance and information on the qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher. Further, teachers are encouraged to be available before and after school to communicate with parents about students.

This is only a sample of the many activities that involve parents in the Title I program in SUCCESS Academy. There is a continuous effort to build parents capacity for strong parental involvement and to provide a partnership between the district, the school, parents and the community to improve student academic achievement.

SUCCESS Academy does not discriminate against, age, race, gender, religion, or ethnicity.

Parent Grievance Policy

The Board of Education recognizes that parents/guardians or community members may have suggestions and/or complaints that may arise in the operation of the District. General complaints are best dealt with through communication with appropriate staff members, such as the faculty, the principals, the district office, the superintendent, and the Board. The Board of Education encourages resolution of complaints on an informal basis at the level closest to the problem. These procedures shall be fair to all parties and shall provide that solutions be rendered in a courteous, objective and timely manner. They shall provide for appeals up to and including the Board of Education whose decision shall be final. For more information see the full policy on Iron County School District’s page on Parent Grievance Policy