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How many students attend SUU SUCCESS, and how many are new?
- 2024/2025 Year: 211 total students, 68 of those were new students.
- 2023/2024 Year: 206 total students, 70 of those were new students.
- 2022/2023 Year: 204 total students, 73 of those were new students.
- 2021/2022 Year: 217 total students, 70 of those were new students.
- 2020/2021 Year: 212 total students, 65 of those were new students.
- 2019/2020 Year: 217 total students, 70 of those were new students.
- 2018/2019 Year: 212 total students, 65 of those were new students.
How many students attend UT SUCCESS, and how many are new?
- 2024/2025 Year: 312 total students, 106 of those were new students.
- 2023/2024 Year: 314 total students, 121 of those were new students.
- 2021/2022 Year: 217 total students, 70 of those were new students.
- 2020/2021 Year: 212 total students, 65 of those were new students.
- 2019/2020 Year: 217 total students, 70 of those were new students.
- 2018/2019 Year: 212 total students, 65 of those were new students.
How much does SUCCESS Academy cost?
There are no additional tuition costs for SUCCESS Academy students. All fees are detailed in the official Fee Schedule. Students are responsible for collegiate lab fees, university textbooks, and any other required college learning materials starting their junior year. Those who qualify for the spring semester of their senior year for on-campus college courses will benefit from tuition waiver.
Who can attend SUCCESS Academy?
SUU SUCCESS Academy is a four-year early college charter high school, while UT SUCCESS Academy offers a three-year program. Both schools operate with open enrollment. If applications exceed the limited number of available seats, a lottery process—guided by Utah State Office of Education and Federal Charter School guidelines—will determine enrollment.
How are students selected?
Eighth and ninth graders in Iron County and ninth graders in Washington County are eligible to apply to SUCCESS Academy. Students in grades 10, 11, and 12 may also apply and will be added to the waitlist (some waitlists are shorter than others depending on the number of applicants we receive).
SUCCESS Academy a charter high school with open enrollment, however spots are limited. Enrollment will be determined through a lottery in compliance with Utah State Office of Education guidelines. We encourage parents and students to consider the academic rigor of our school to ensure it aligns with their educational goals before applying.
Where is SUCCESS Academy located?
SUCCESS Academy is located on two campuses. Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah and Utah Tech University in Saint George, Utah. Students also attend classes at their boundary high schools for a portion of their day. This allows for a blend of high school and college-level coursework.
Where will SUCCESS Academy students graduate?
SUCCESS Academy students who graduate with an Associate Degree will walk at SUU or UTU during their regular graduation ceremony. All students graduating with a SUCCESS Academy high school diploma will have the option of walking with their boundary high schools on graduation day. SUCCESS Academy also honors our graduates at Night of Excellence (Click here for information about SUU’s Night of Excellence or UT’s Night of Excellence).
What are the extracurricular opportunities available?
SUCCESS Academy students enjoy a full range of extracurricular activities through their boundary high schools. While SUCCESS Academy does not host traditional extracurricular programs, it offers a variety of engaging clubs focused on science, math, student government, technology, and English. In addition, students can participate in quarterly events, including barbecues, game days, dance-offs, holiday activities, and dances. Students also have the opportunity to join Sterling Scholar and other clubs at their boundary high schools.
What if I have questions?
We’re here to help and ready to answer any questions! Feel free to reach out by email at info@successacademy.org, or call us directly: SUU Campus at 435-865-8790 or UTU Campus at 435-652-7830.